Aston Group announces loss of longest serving employee

September 28, 2015 12:44 pm

DSC04161_BWThe Aston Group has announced the death in service of one of its longest-serving and most widely respected employees, Tom Skurr.

Tom, who joined The Aston Group in the early 1970s and worked for the business for more than 40 years, was originally employed as a central heating fitter and plumber, earning praise from customers and colleagues alike for the quality and tidiness of his work and the kindness of his manner.

More recently he had taken on a supervisory role, using his skills and knowledge to help to complete large new-build projects. He was especially involved in delivering services to Ascham Homes and the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Managing director of Aston Group, Alan Thomas, said that Tom will be sorely missed:

“He was a ‘remarkable’ man in the true sense of the word. As well as being a highly skilled craftsman, he was forever accommodating of other people’s needs and he will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege to work with him,” said Mr Thomas. “We extend our wholehearted sympathies to Tom’s widow Eileen, and their sons Paul, Jon and Anthony.”