Aston Group donates £10,000 to local hospice
Romford-based Aston Group recently presented a cheque for £10,000 to Saint Francis Hospice in support of the charity’s work as one of the largest adult hospices in the local area, and one which has helped people close to the business.
Alan Thomas, Managing Director, says his firm is proud to be helping such a worthy charity that cares for patients, their family and their carers in their time of need. “As a business we have been donating to Saint Francis for more than 10 years with staff and directors raising nearly £20,000 in that time,” he says.
“But after a former director, Alan Lee spent time in the hospice before passing away in March last year we have been gearing up to make a significant one-off donation in appreciation of the vital support that Alan and his family received when it was most needed. We will continue to support Saint Francis Hospice as we know just how important their work is to the local community.”
The cheque presentation coincides with Aston Group’s 50th anniversary and relaunch of the business to better reflect the full range of building services and facilities management services that the company provides today.